Thundering Horde Domain
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application Empty application

Post by wesco01 7/9/2010, 9:35 am

application Empty Horde application

application Empty by Heartwolf on 6/25/2009, 3:09 am

Answer the following questions for your application to join Horde.
Apply ONLY if you are in the SW quadrant (-xx|-yy). Mim pop of 400 or you can show troops

Applications that are not filled out completely will not be considered.

Thing we will REQUIRE of you IF becoming a member:
* Troop to population count >2:1. This is only a start. It WILL increase as the game progresses.
* High rate of activity in game.
* Actively using the forums.
* Actively assisting in the defenses of other members and our Confederate allies.
* Actively assisting in offensive operations against enemies.
* Constantly building and expanding/maintaining troop counts and ratios so as not to become a farm.
* Sitter information - You WILL have a sitter from within Horde & WILL NOT have sitters from other alliances.
* You will set your ingame clock to CST Chicago that is HORDE time.
* IF we find you have lied on your application you will be removed from Horde. No warnings.

1a) What is your ingame name, dual, sitters. previous names?
wesco01,no, no, i have always used the name, wesco01 

1b) How many times have you played Travian, what servers?
ive played in 1 round and this is my second, i have played on us- 1,5,2

1c) What do you consider an acceptable amount of time to spend playing Travian?
i would have to say,8-10 hours a day. seriously i have played up to that amount of time.

2a) How many villages did you have. lose, and or chief in your prior rounds?
i had only one in each server, i have not lost or chief
2b) What is your playing style? Defense/Offensive (answer more below 
i am defensive, i max out my village walls and cranny up
untill i have enough military to protect me.
2c) Are you a gold user?
yes, when i have the money

3a) Explan why do you want to join HORDE?
i want to join because the horde is full of experiance, stratagy, and leadership
i want to really learn how to play this game well and i know i could learn alot
oh ya, i want to be on the winning team too.

3b) Do you have a Horde member willing to sponsor you, if so who?

3c) What alliances were you in on previous rounds?
i didnt try to join alliances in other servers because i was just learning the game. 

3d) Have you been approached or been in any other alliance? Which ones?
i am in the std-b's,noobs  

4a) Are you currently being attacked by anyone, if so who, what have you lost in resources?
4b) How many crannies do you have and what level?
1 crannie lv 10

5a) Week 1, an attack is coming in & you have figured the slowest unit in the attack must be the Teuton Axeman. What do you do?
start a crannie and develop it, start developing defenders.

5b) What do you consider an acceptable number of defenders?
at least 500 in each village
5c) What are the defenders and the offensive units for your tribe/race?

application X124Praetorians
application X200Imperians
application X2Equites Legati
application X5Equites Imperatoris
application X124Praetorians
application X200Imperians
application X2Equites Legati
application X5Equites Imperatoris
5e) Hammers & anvils are the forces of Travian. A hammer is generally considered to be above 20k wheat consumption worth of attack type troops (excluding rams/catas). What is you goal by the time the Natars are released?
i started late, but i hope to be at least 10000 or better
6a) What is the difference between population and troop strength?
pop. is total number of people both civilian and military, troop strength is how many forces you have.
6b) What value does population have in the game?
i not sure
6c) Explain the differene between a farm and a farmer, Which are you?
i am a farmer, a farm is someone who gets raided all the time and they cant do anything about it. a farmer is the one raiding it.

6d) Travian is a game. Is this game we are to have fun. However, advantage comes at price of another player's fun. A farm messages you, "plez stop farm me". Argue for & against stopping.
for: if you stop than you can build trust with that village then you can start working together and watching eachothers backs.    against: if you keep farming you can develop faster,possible take over the village or force them into a position working for you as a supplier of anything you tell them to.

7) Please give at least 3 sentences explaining what you want from this round.
what i want from this round is to devlope my play skills, style, and create connections
for future rounds, once i am apart of this alliance i will always be apart of it or untill you find me unfit.


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