Thundering Horde Domain
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Read 1st Directions for Posting Applications

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Read 1st Directions for Posting Applications Empty Read 1st Directions for Posting Applications

Post by Heartwolf 6/25/2009, 3:15 am

***You DO NOT not need to register for the forum to post an application.
Registration for the forum will only be activated if you are accepted as a member.***

Before you apply to become a member of Horde, there are some things that I want you to be aware of and consider. Please take the time to read this fully and consider deeply before you apply. And registering for the forum is NOT necessary to fill out an application.

1) Horde is a USX alliance. We do NOT do normal servers.

2) Because speed servers are EXTREMELY time intensive, due to the fact that a round only lasts ~120 days (~4 months), if you CANNOT devote 6 hours or more EACH DAY, then the speed server and Horde are NOT where YOU want to be. Please find another speed server alliance to join, or play on a normal speed server where you will be able to spend less time here and in game.

3) Horde has been around for all but the first round of USX. Because of this many of our CORE members have come to think of this as a family. Our loyalty to one another FAR outweighs any personal relationships IN GAME. IN GAME. Outside of the game, and in game are two entirely different animals. If you have family members that play, or other relations of any kind, you will be expected to keep in game and out of game relationships separated. While playing as a member of Horde, this group takes priority over those relationships. The only players that are off limits for attacks are those that have political relations with Horde. If you are expecting us to take it easy on a family member when they are not in Horde, then this is NOT the place for you. Get your family members to apply for membership if you do not want to see them being attacked, see if diplomatic relations can be considered with their alliance, have them join one of our Confederated alliances, or join them in their alliance.

4) If accepted into Horde, you will be expected to place the members of this alliance, and the alliance as a whole, above your own personal concerns. We support each other completely. Leave your ego at the door, and think of the good of the group, before you think of your own personal gains.

Apply ONLY if you are in the SW quadrant (-xx|-yy).

Things we will REQUIRE of you IF becoming a member:
* Troop to population count >2:1. (changes as sever does)
* High rate of activity in game.
* Actively using the forums.
* Actively assisting in the defenses of other members and our Confederate allies.
* Actively assisting in offensive operations against enemies.
* Constantly building and expanding/maintaining troop counts and ratios so as not to become a farm.
* Sitter information - You WILL have a sitter from within Horde & WILL NOT have sitters from other alliances.
* You will set your ingame clock to CST Chicago that is HORDE time.
* IF we find you have lied on your application you will be removed from Horde. No warnings.

To post an application:
1.) COPY the questions from the "Horde Application" announcement.
2.) Click NEW POST.
3.) PASTE the questions into the body of your post.
4.) Enter your in-game name as the USERNAME at the top.
5.) Enter a subject for your post.
6.) Answer the questions completely.
7.) When you are finished, click SEND.

Note: You will not be able to REPLY to the "Horde Application" or the "Directions for Posting an Application" announcements.

You must create a NEW POST as described above in order to post your application.

Number of posts : 4007
Location : Horde

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